5 Best Remedies To Treat Dry Scalp

Image Source: Pink Villa
Image Source: Pink Villa

There are many medical reasons why human beings experience a really dry scalp. No rely the cause, though, it is able to result in itching, flaking, soreness, redness, pain, and embarrassment.

If you have a very dry scalp, the quality remedy assist you to get rid of those uncomfortable signs and symptoms entirely. The proper information is that there are a few proven ways to prevent your scalp from being overly dry and itchy.

Scalp dryness is extra common than you can think. You’re now no longer alone when you have dandruff-like flaking and itchiness. Because it’s so common, a few treatments work fast to offer relief.

The quality thing to do earlier than you start treating a very dry scalp is to decide the underlying cause. The maximum common reasons consist of weather, hair products, and pores and skin problems. Conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis are often behind the problem.

1. Coconut Oil

Nothing is more nourishing and moisturising for your scalp than coconut oil. Try and get an organic one so you’re not putting anything artificial on your scalp. Massage twice a week on your hair, let it absorb for a few hours and then wash it out! Don’t think putting it overnight will help your scalp, it can make it more oily too.


2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is a miracle gel that we can get completely free and pretty much all the time. It can soothe anything irritated and also has moisturising properties. Extract some gel from your own aloe plant and put some on your scalp for about 30 minutes. Wash it out as per routine.


3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a healer and has antioxidant properties which can soothe your scalp. However, be sure not to put it on your head directly as it is an essential oil after all. Mix some in with a hair mask and then apply it on your scalp only. Wash it out after an hour with a gentle shampoo.


4. Yoghurt Hair Mask

Our nanis and dadis have taught us this one! Nothing can treat a dry scalp like a good ol’ yoghurt hair mask. Simply take homemade yoghurt (best not to get store-bought ones) and add your choice of oil to it or an egg to it and apply it on your scalp. This will be super nourishing for your scalp and also make your hair soft.


5. Mashed Bananas

Bananas are also a source of nourishment and moisturising so they can be great for a dry scalp. Mash or blend some bananas with a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply it to your hair. Blending is better because then the banana chunks won’t get stuck in your hair. Apply for 30 minutes max and enjoy the results.

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